Monday, August 8, 2011

This is an Article I found online from June 2011

This link is stating that more gay and Bisexual people are more tend to drink and smoke. I don't agree with that what do ever. This is an issue caused by others not by one that is a victim of being bullied and treated like crap. Please read and share what you think on the facebook page and twitter thanks

Always TeensStruggles aka Brittaney Peacock

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Teen Commit Suicide 2010

  This is very sad as a another teen took his like..
So far the only news report comes from The Daily Item, a local Pennsylvania newspaper, and we've learned our lesson about picking up poorly sourced news reports about bullying suicides, and rarely do we pray we're actually being hoaxed, but the sad news of 14-year-old high schooler Brandon Bitner killing himself is impossible to ignore. (Update: After some initial caution, we've confirmed Bitner's death is most definitely not a ruse.)
Bitner reportedly ran in front of a tractor truck to kill himself around 3am Friday morning, leaving behind a suicide note. The ninth-grader at Midd-West High School in Middleberg had, days before, attended an anti-bullying school assembly. Superintendent Wesley Knapp says there's never been a reported incident of bullying at the school -- a statistic that shows Midd-West is not, in fact, a place of 100% sunshine and smiles, but a place with a flawed system to combat bullying: Students say Brandon was indeed subjected to anti-gay torment.
For now, Knapp is telling parents, "I would encourage parents to talk with their school-age children regarding this tragedy, and encourage their children to seek help when they feel frustrated, depressed, and encourage them to reach out to other students who seem lonely or hurting. ... It is a blow to any school to lose a student, but suicide makes the pain of the loss even greater than it would normally be, and school personnel are doing everything they can do to help students through the pain, and more importantly try to ensure that students receive help and attention before they feel they need to take drastic measures to end their life.”
A hastily assembled memorial page at -- a domain registered Nov. 6, the day after his death -- says the funeral will be Wednesday.
(The Daily Item, which this blogger has never heard of before, claims to have a history dating back to the 1930s.)

Read more:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kid Fostered , Parents Kick Out Of Home For Discussion Of Being Homosexual

Hey Y'all been reading the news today and came across this article about Foster parents in the UK not wanting kids that are Homosexual. Read this article here.

Discrimination based on religion v. discrimination based on sexual orientation

About half of Americans are against adoption by homosexual couples, and the state of Florida banned gay adoption for 33 years before the law was declared unconstitutional. Britain, though, does not share America's skepticism towards the practice.
Quite the opposite, actually. A court in London recently ruled that potential parents opposed to homosexuality may not take in foster children.
A Pentecostal British couple was denied a foster child over their opposition to homosexuality, according to the Religion News Service blog. The U.K.'s 2007 Equality Act prevents discrimination based on sexual orientation and applies to adoption agencies, including those with religious ties, though groups like evangelicals tend to take a stand against same-sex partnerships, believing that biblically God intended marriage for one man and one woman.
From Reuters:
The couple, who are Pentecostal Christians, had gone to court after a social worker expressed concerns about them becoming respite carers after they said they could not tell a child that a "homosexual lifestyle" was acceptable.
Eunice and Owen Johns, both in their 60s and from Derbyshire in the English midlands, asked judges to rule that their faith should not be a bar to them becoming carers, and that the law should protect their Christian values.
But Lord Justice Munby and Mr. Justice Beatson ruled at the Royal Courts of Justice in London that laws protecting people from discrimination because of their sexual orientation "should take precedence" over the right not to be discriminated against on religious grounds, the Press Association reported.
The couple said after the case that being a Christian was not a crime and should not stop them from raising children.
"We have been excluded because we have moral opinions based on our faith, and a vulnerable child has probably now missed the chance of finding a safe and caring home," they said in a statement issued through the Christian Legal Centre.
What a difference the Atlantic makes: in America, there's the belief that gay parents should not adopt; In Britain, the belief that anti-gay parents should not adopt.
It seems to come down to the U.K.'s legal mandate to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation in schools, workplaces, civil society and the government, for which there is no equivalent in the U.S., where laws vary by state.
In America, First Amendment guarantees to religious freedom come first, and that's why the Boy Scouts, churches, adoption agencies and other private groups can consider sexual orientation as a factor.

This world is horrible of how they treat one another we are all equal in gods eyes and world. We should all have equal rights and freedom in all areas of the world but do we hell no.People are so judgmental and rude and hatful and I think all people like that need to go to hell because we are all equal no matter the color of skim,tall or shot,gay,bi or straight or ugly or pretty young or old we are all equal. People that do these things need to go to prison. Please follow this blog and comment and share please help stop bullying,haters and so forth thanks