Saturday, October 23, 2010

Here is a great Article about Bullying and Teens Struggles

Hey Everyone

I wanted to thank everyone for who wore purple last weds to support the young youth of today and tomorrow and in support of the young 6 teens that were bullied because of their sexuality. When I read in the Houston Chronical online  and It said that a young man named Asher Brown which was a Cypress TX Local student that was bullied for all the reason he was bullied really touched me and reminded me of what I felt like when I was in middle school and bullied because I was different and I wasn't popular or didn't have a lot of friends. But as I would walk home from school I felt alone and like I didn't have a purpose here and I think every teen and everyone has and does feel like that at some point in there youth. There was this girl named Britney Moya who bullied me because of the way I looked, because I would hum in class with out even knowing it, and I had one best friend named Dominique who was a good friend until she turned her back on me and also became a bully to me and others and I as many other student's have gone to there teachers,friends,parent and AP's but of all those people our friends and family are the only one's that really ever did try to help us,help me with what I was going through. and Being bullied leads up in to this dark place and that leads to depression and depression leads to the Biggest Issue among Teens is Suicide . and I know some others that have been bullied and that are bullied and One person I can say I myself can relate to is a very special person that I look up to so much and she has made some of the most beautiful music which has meaning in the eyes of so many of her fans, it helps us through alot of things we struggle with and You may know here or have heard of her, She is Bethany Joy Galeotti who plays as Haley James Scott on One Tree Hill on The CW.  She has a blog which is called and Heres one of her post which in this post she shares how she struggled as a child and a teen. So I advice you to read her story and see how much she by her passion and love in words can help you and see what you have in common because I can see me and Her have a lot in common more than I could have ever realized. and You My mom was popular in hight school and me I'm no where close to being popular like my mom was and I feel like in a way she wishes I was just like here popular in school had a lot of friends but truth is I don't and I never have and I do have some friends but not very many good friends. and The good friends you do have keep them the close to you because good friends and good people are hard to come by in this time of age. people base everything off of looks and likes and it's pathetic it shouldn't matter what you wear, what you look like or what you do,etc and what should matter is whats in the inside is all that matters and has meaning in life. We all think we know it all and whats going to happen but truth is we don't no one does..
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 This Photo is of Bethany Joy (Lenz) Galeotti, If you have heard of her and are a fan of her then you know what I'm talking about but if you don't I advice you to read and follow her blog because this young woman has a amazing heart for so many people and everything she is a wonderful person to be able to look up to and she gives you that feel like you can tell her anything and everything as if she was there listening and can feel the way you do. Shes awesome and I'm so very glad to be a fan of hers and everything. She is very Successful with in the Entertainment Industry as far as Acting/Singer/Song-Writer goes. She has been on T.V for about 10 year starting out in commercials at a very young age and becoming this young actress play Michelle Baur Santos in Guiding Light when it was still on air which she played in 1998-2000 and them did some guess-star airs in shows like Charmed which is another Show I admire a lot, and For the last almost 8 years now has been on One Tree Hill on The CW Network. Shes done Broadway and has Directed and started the Broadway Production of The Note Book . 

And If some of you haven't heard of the 6 teens that were bullied because they were gay.Here is a photo of them. They were so young and they died so young by the worst way possible in a persons life.  Being Tormented by others and everyone around you is watching and they don't even care to help, So think Of Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown,Seth Walsh , Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas . We all need to stand together to make this world a better way of life,Stand up against Bullies, Temptation of wanting to bully others.  These Boys were of the ages 13 to 19 and they didn't deserve any of that , no one deserves to be treated the way they did, so now all we can do now is think and remember what Happened in the Month of September, 2010 to these 6 Beautiful young men who in the next life will be loved and happier than ever. God bless these 6 teens and be with them as there friends,family and those that were affected by there story's try to help others that are Bullied and Picked on. Stay Strong for Others.  Weather you are a different race,speak a different language,have  different beliefs don't let that effect you love and passion of why you are here. We are all her for a reason and i believe things happen for a reason and I believe that these 6 men were here to make a huge purpose here on earth to make us others realize and to bring grace, happiness to this world, our youth to make life better for our kids and there kids and if we don't every year there is just going to be more and more cases like these 6 young mens stories.There was a total of 10 teens that have committed Suicide the 6 in the picture above and 4 girls who were between the ages of 12 and 16. They are always going to be in our memory and our world history of the year 2010-2011 year.
This Photo is of me Briee Peacock.When I was in middle school I my self was bullied for the cloths  wore, The music i listened to. because I wasn't popular and because I was very quit in class humming to my self as I did my work. Because I was held back when I was younger and Because I didn't have very many friends and the ones i did have weren't good friends at all.    And now I'm 17 almost out of high school and I'm still bullied but it's not to bad but it still hurts. over the source of my life i have always been different the outsider of popularity, but I have had some great experiences like being on the drill teamwhen i was young and in middle school I played basketball for m school and even the bad time have been hard but I've had some good ones to. I remember walking down the halls of my middle schools thinking about the future, wanting a job and etc as every kid and teens does.We all have dreams and I know when I'm doing my think up on stage I'm in my own little world just me and the stage. singing on stage acting on stage is amazing for me, thats my dream, whats your dream or dreams? Please share this post with friends,family,co-workers everyone you know and talk to you kids about it if there being bullied etc. and Please follow my pages on Facebook,Myspace,Twitter and this blog and the YouTube thanks. Here's My links to all the pages                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Thanks for Reading xoxo Briee Peacock

Friday, October 15, 2010

20/20 Tonight

Hey everyone please watch 20/20 tonight it
is very important to our nation and school of our children. It's all about Teens Being Bullied thanks and if you are a victim please help your self and tell everyone you parents teachers ect. Thank you

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Video In Memory of The 6 Teens that Were Bullied To Death

Hey Everyone , This is a Video of The 6 Gay Teens that were bullied to death and no one cared to take a step forward to help them so now We need to in order to make sure this doesn't happen again in any way. They were just kids and these days are hard with out being bullied to death. so please help someone if you see them being bullied or tormented to death. Take A Stand For those that didn't have that.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The words of a teen that has been bullied

The teens is me Briee, my first year of middle school was harsh because I was being bullied about my last name "Peacock" and the type of music my family and I listened to. and They thought I was ugly. My mom called the school which was L.B.Johnson Middle School and they didn't do anything to help me or anything. and it kept happening over and over again. I never really had an friends, most people would say I was a loner in most cases. But I then took things into my own hands which wasn't a wise choice because I got in a fight with this girl named "Krissy". and I ditched  and They finally transfered me to Taylor middle school which I also got Bullied but They did help me. and I did things I am not proud of. but being bullied through middle school and high school is hard. Even now I am still Bullied and made fun of because my last name. People even call me "Brittney Spears" which I hate. I got beat up at my friends apartments, and My first year of high school a 18 year old boy thought he could take advantage of me but that didn't fly well he got sent to prison for three years. So I struggle just like so many others do. and Just like those 5 teens felt before they took there own lives.  Life is to short to be bullied,to suffer from anything,I say live life to the fullest and if you see someone getting bullied take a stand and stand up for that person. Having to always be scared,unsure,and unsure of our place in this world is, we feel alone, scared life we are always in a dark black box with no way out. I'll add more to this post soon

Thursday, October 7, 2010

All About Teens Dealing with Bullies

Welcome To The Page Of All About Teens Dealing With Bullies. This page is to get teens, young adults and many of other people to understand what dealing with depression,bullies,suicide have to do with this topic. In the past month their have been 5 young teens from the ages of 13 to 18 kill them selves by holding a gun to there head or hanging themselves. High school it's self is hard enough with out being bullied, but when being bullied comes to high school or middle school it's harder and more stressful on the teen or young adult. So I'm taking a stand to stand up against bullies, depression, and Suicide and I hope you all think before you act and speak. Stand up for those that get bullied like Asher Brown, he was a local Cypress 8th grade who was a straight A student, Good kid, but was made fun of because of his Beliefs, the cloths he wore and Because he was gay. So share this page with friends family and other teens you know. Thanks Briee Peacock
IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW.                                                                         These two pictures are of two victoms that suffered from bullies,depression and which lead them to suicide. Asher Brown,13 and Tyler Clementi, 18, think of them before you act and speak.