Thursday, October 7, 2010

All About Teens Dealing with Bullies

Welcome To The Page Of All About Teens Dealing With Bullies. This page is to get teens, young adults and many of other people to understand what dealing with depression,bullies,suicide have to do with this topic. In the past month their have been 5 young teens from the ages of 13 to 18 kill them selves by holding a gun to there head or hanging themselves. High school it's self is hard enough with out being bullied, but when being bullied comes to high school or middle school it's harder and more stressful on the teen or young adult. So I'm taking a stand to stand up against bullies, depression, and Suicide and I hope you all think before you act and speak. Stand up for those that get bullied like Asher Brown, he was a local Cypress 8th grade who was a straight A student, Good kid, but was made fun of because of his Beliefs, the cloths he wore and Because he was gay. So share this page with friends family and other teens you know. Thanks Briee Peacock
IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW.                                                                         These two pictures are of two victoms that suffered from bullies,depression and which lead them to suicide. Asher Brown,13 and Tyler Clementi, 18, think of them before you act and speak.

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