Friday, October 8, 2010

The words of a teen that has been bullied

The teens is me Briee, my first year of middle school was harsh because I was being bullied about my last name "Peacock" and the type of music my family and I listened to. and They thought I was ugly. My mom called the school which was L.B.Johnson Middle School and they didn't do anything to help me or anything. and it kept happening over and over again. I never really had an friends, most people would say I was a loner in most cases. But I then took things into my own hands which wasn't a wise choice because I got in a fight with this girl named "Krissy". and I ditched  and They finally transfered me to Taylor middle school which I also got Bullied but They did help me. and I did things I am not proud of. but being bullied through middle school and high school is hard. Even now I am still Bullied and made fun of because my last name. People even call me "Brittney Spears" which I hate. I got beat up at my friends apartments, and My first year of high school a 18 year old boy thought he could take advantage of me but that didn't fly well he got sent to prison for three years. So I struggle just like so many others do. and Just like those 5 teens felt before they took there own lives.  Life is to short to be bullied,to suffer from anything,I say live life to the fullest and if you see someone getting bullied take a stand and stand up for that person. Having to always be scared,unsure,and unsure of our place in this world is, we feel alone, scared life we are always in a dark black box with no way out. I'll add more to this post soon

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