Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Man Finds out Dad Is a Criminal of Steeling From Others ,Can't Handle It, Commits Suicide

Mark Madoff Victom

Mark Madoff, Son of Bernie Madoff, Commits Suicide

The oldest son of Bernie Madoff, the Wall Street broker who defrauded millions from investors like Steven SpielbergJohn MalkovichKyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon, took his own life Saturday in New York City. Mark Madoff, 46, was found hanging in his Soho home by his father-in-law on what was the second anniversary of Bernie Madoff's arrest for running a decades-long Ponzi scheme, reports The New York Times.
Attorney Martin Flumenbaum said in a statement, "This is a terrible and unnecessary tragedy. Mark was an innocent victim of his father's monstrous crime who succumbed to two years of unrelenting pressure from false accusations and innuendo. We are all deeply saddened by this shocking turn of events."
Mark Madoff was the head trader at his father's firm and along with his brother Andrew, turned his father in to authorities after he confessed to his crimes. The brothers maintained that they had no knowledge of the elder Madoff's illegal activities.
The brothers, a cousin and an uncle, were sued for $200 million last fall by the trustee collecting money for Bernie Madoff's victims, notes the Los Angeles Times.
Father Of Mark Madoff, name Bernie Madoff
Bernie Madoff is serving a 150-year sentence in Federal prison.

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